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Aktivität HISTORY

Aktivität issue 8 - August 1996

Issue 8 was 40 pages long (all black and white), plus colour front and back cover and contained the following articles;

  • 'Activity' - six pages of the latest news

  • 'Activity In-Depth' - reviews of the following;
  • 'The Golden Age of Radio...' - a look back at the 'Radio-Activity' album with one or two interesting new angles

  • 'Questions/Answers 1' - the first is a series aiming to look closely at Kraftwerk myths

  • 'The Future Past' - a question and answer article with Pascal Bussy about his Kraftwerk biography, ‘Man, Machine and Music’

  • 'Update' - additional info on the 'All In A Day's Werk' and 'Man Machine at Large' articles from earlier issues

  • 'Images' - live images from the 1981 Japanese tour book and live in Vienna in 1991

  • 1971 'Musik Express' interview translation

  • 'That's all for tonight' - an article looking at what's happened to Elektric Music

  • 'The Story of NEU!, La Dusseldorf, Cluster, Harmonia' - Part One

  • 'Numbers!' - results of the Aktivitaet readers survey (should be fun!)

  • Small Ads and Outro

  • Also included an additional A4 black and white copy of the ARS Electronica concert mini-poster
Aktivität issue 8 issue cover design

  Updated: 16 : 5 : 2010