Issue 6 was 48 pages long, black and white, plus colour front and back cover and contained the following articles;
- 'Activity' - a six-page round up of the latest releases/news
- 'Television Appearances and Promo Videos' - Part 3, by Paul
Wilkinson's including an update to correct innacuracies from Parts
1 and 2
- 'An interview with Karl Bartos' - from May 1994 by Paul
- 'Feedback' - readers letters, this time on bootleg activity,
fantasy box sets and hairdressers(!)
- 'Vorsprung durch Technik?' -
an article, by Mark Stagg, analysing Kraftwerk's numerous musical
hardware purchases over the last year or so that have been reported
in the music press
- 'The 1994 Kraftwerk and Elektric Music
Convention' - a review, by B Cassidy
- 'Virtual Summer 1994' - a report by Paul Wilkinson on Elektric
Music's short series of dates in the Scandinavian countries in May
- 'Kraftwerk Musical Tree' - an illustrated diagram of the
numerous Kraftwerk msuical line-ups over the years
- 'The Mysterious Dominas' - a short article investigating
the mystery of the single by Die Dominas that Kraftwerk have long
been rumoured to be involved with
- 'The 1981 Computer World Tour' - a look back at Kraftwerk's
most extensive tour
- 'Pressespiegel - What The Papers Say (German Version)' -
in a similar vein to the article in issue 5, this time looking at
a selection from the German music press, by Klaus Zäpke
- 'Forum' - some personal views by B Cassidy on a topic relating
to Kraftwerk
- 'Collectors Corner - France' - a detailed look at Kraftwerk's
French releases